Physical Intelligence Lab
Neural Mechanisms of Implicit and Explicit Motor Learning
Tsay, J. S.
Neural Control of Movement [PDF].
Overfitting Explicit Strategies during Sensorimotor Learning
Ding, W., Tsay, J. S.
Cognitive Science Society [PDF].
Training Context Determines Implicit and Explicit Contributions to Motor Adaptation
Villavicencio, P., Tsay, J. S.*, Malla, C*
Vision Science Society [PDF].
No Evidence for the Role of the Cerebellum in Value-based Decision Making
Cisneros, E., Bol, K., Collins, A., Abram, S., Ivry, R. B.*, Tsay, J. S.*
Reinforcement Learning Decision Making Conference [Request].
Agency in Action Selection and Action Execution Produce Distinct Biases in Decision Making
Abram, S., Dave, L., Tsay, J. S., Wang, T., McDougle, S., Ivry, R
Reinforcement Learning Decision Making Conference [Request].
Computational mechanisms underlying strategic discovery
Niyogi, A., Cisneros, E., Ivry, R. B.*, Tsay, J. S.*
Society for Neuroscience. [PDF]
Fundamental processes in sensorimotor learning: Reasoning, Refinement,
Tsay, J. S., Kim, H. E., McDougle, S. D., Taylor, J., Haith, A., Avraham, G., Krakauer, J. W., Collins, A., Ivry, R. B.
Society for Neuroscience. [PDF]
Impact of Parkinson's disease on explicit motor adaptation
Bol, K., Cisneros, E., Tsay, J. S.*, Ivry, R. B.*
Society for Neuroscience. [PDF]
Explicit sensorimotor strategies fail to launch in response to small errors.
Cisneros, E., Ivry, R. B.*, Tsay, J. S.*
Neural Control of Movement. [PDF]
A model of how the cerebellum contributes to visuomotor adaptation.
Guigon, E., Wang, T., Tsay, J. S., Avraham, G., Ivry, R., Morehead, R.
Neural Control of Movement. [PDF]
Motor biases emerge from a mis-alignment between visual and proprioceptive reference frames.
Wang, T.*, Tsay, J. S.*, Chandy, A., Wang, Z., Ivry, R., Morehead, R.
Neural Control of Movement. [PDF]
Reinforcement Learning, the Cerebellum, and Agency.
Abram, S. J., Tsay, J. S., Wang, T., McDougle, S., Ivry, R.
Neural Control of Movement. [PDF]
Differential effects of aging on implicit and explicit sensorimotor adaptation.
Cisneros, E.*, Tsay, J. S.*, Karney, S., Ivry, R.
Neural Control of Movement. [PDF]
Studying semantic-gestural associations with ecological training and markerless tracking.
Sebti, I., Tombling, J., Makin, T., MacSweeney, M., Tsay, J. S.
UK Sensorimotor Conference. [PDF]